Saturday, July 21, 2012

San Antone

Our family WENT ON A TRIP!!

This my friends is a rare thing for us with one income and two young children.

I was somehting that was HIGHLY anticipated and planned for, for many many months we saved and patiently waited for the time to come.

As most vacations go I was of course excited to get away from home and to spend time with my family. But at the same time i knew it was going to be alot of work.

This was the first trip since our honeymoon that my husband and i have gone on without either his or my parents. It was also the first trip we had taken with kids alone.
(yes yes we have been married for 3 1/2 years and i know its sad)

But none the less i had strategic plans for packing driving and for when we got there.

And isnt it just my luck NOTHING went as planned.

The night before we left i ended up having a fever of 104 and feeling super yucky.

but we went along with the trip anyways with me assuming i would feel better in a few hours.
which was correct but i had no idea what was about to hit us...

my husband got sick on the road along with my son.

so basically the whole first part of the trip was miserable ( like the first 3days)

but after everyone got better our trip turned around and we ended up having a blast and getting to spend some time with my family in san antonio and houston.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

sweet little swimmies

typically summer time is filled with lots of fun in our family.

trips up north plans for fall vacations to disney world. birthdays barbques swimming and hanging out at the beach.

this year my kids were able to take survial swim lessons with a close friend of the family.

going into it i thought i knew what to expect because my son had taken the same lessons last year while i was pregnant with my daughter.

But this year it was different, I not only had two kids in swim lessons that ment two tuition fees and basically twice the time to spend getting to and from the pool and not to mention time in the water.

the type of lessons they are taking are intense its not all "blow bubbles and kick" its more the type of lesson where they are learning to save thier own life if they were to fall into a pool alone.

here is my son swimming to the edge of the pool solo.

first the instructor teaches the kids to float on thier back and breath. the second part of the lessons is teaching the kids to roll over and swim then back over when they get tired so that they dont get overly exhausted.

my oldest did really well with the whole program where as my daughter who is younger only mastered the floating part for the time being.

in hind sight i am really happy we stuck with it for the long 7 weeks that we did. as much hastle and effort it took for me alone to get them to and from and change them (and dont even mention when the poop in the pool and how badly i felt) it was all really really worth it because i have confidence that if my children were ever in an emergent situation that they would be able to float and scream thier brains out until someone saved them.

for more information on this type of swim lessons or to find an instructor in you area you can visit

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Heavenly chocolate finally in Texas

My husband has family all over the united states... Well all over the world for that matter!

One of the benefits of this for us is we always get really cool gift packages at random times through out the year.

But one of my very favorites is when his uncle sends us chocolate from California.
I assume that it is peretty pricey because we only get it once a year and that's at Christmas time.
They are from a place called see's.

I googled my brains out the first time we received them to try and find one close to home (I was pregnant and I had eaten them all and craved more)
Anyways there wasn't one.

But the last time j and went to the mall there. In all it's glory. A see's!

It was like fate had brought me to that very spot!

The smell was like. Idk willy wonks chocolate factory or something....wafting out of there like a tasty song calling my name :)

and the very best part? FREE SAMPLES yummm!!!