Tuesday, February 23, 2010


well he has officially arrived!!!!!!!!!!! 2/15/10 it was so surreal to se him for the first time laying there on my tummy. it was the moment i had been waiting for my whole life from the time i had my first baby doll i have wanted to be a mom. in that moment nothing else mattered ... the world stopped, the only things that existed were me jon and our precious baby boy. needless to say we are consumed with staring at our son whlie he sleeps as well as with feedings and diaper changes. we are also faced with our future making crucial decisions that will affect the rest of not only our lives but our childres as well. over all this week has been amazing, dispite the lack of sleep i have truly enjoyed every single moment spent with Romeo and his daddy. i love them both more than my own life and i cant wait to see what the future will hold.

"the future belongs to those who prepare for it"
(i read this on a bilboard on the way home from the hospital....ironic huh.)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Well were 5 weeks away from the estimated due date of or little Romeo we had our 35 week visit yesterday and all the news was good! i will be taken off of the terb pump that is keeping me from going into labor on suday which is valentines :) and we are anticipating about 3 to 5 days after that is discontinued we will be heading to the delivery room if not sooner. we have recently decided on some things that had taken a very long time for us.. first of all the circumcision issue has been cleared up, if you ask me its an issue that has to much controversy lately!! the cloth diapering decision and luckily i have found out that we have several friends that are doing this with thier children which is going to be SOO helpful. i have also recently been looking into making my own organic baby food from things we already have in our home, which ofcorse i wont really need to decide on that untill the time of solid food feeding comes but i know time flies and im not going to do that to myself. we will deffinatly be keeping every one posted with baby updates and pictures once he arrives.