Monday, April 1, 2013

Getting lost in prayer

I have been praying for patience this week...if you know me you know that is not something that's easy for me.

I have been praying continually about a specific situation and for some things to be made clear, and hoping the other person in the situation is as well.

The more I pray and meditate and think about it the more sure I am that this is what God is telling me..yeah I could be wrong but I hope and pray I'm not.

It has been hard for me to have self control and not take action to push or get things moving

God has been doing a really good job with teaching me through everything that is going on. Even though its hard for me I know I am learning and that God will take care of the situation in his own way and in his own time.

I think back to Christmas time and wish I had done some things differently when this all started. I should have maybe been more honest with certain people about some stuff but all I can do now is be faithful to God and pray it works out.

I think a lot if times I get really prideful and think

"Come on God you owe me this happiness....after everything I have been through I deserve this"

But that is SO sinful, God doesn't owe me -or any of us anything....he has already given us everything.

I was trying to control the situation and make things right but I seem now that that is not the way to handle it.

GOD is in control not me - not this other person but GOD

sorry readers that this is all so vague but I just needed to share part of my recent struggle and ask for prayer.

Jer 29:11
Isaiah 41:10
Mark 11:24
Have a great day

(And for you- I'm praying for you, I know you know that but I felt like I should put it here in black and white for you to see. I miss you and pray every day that this can be resolved so we can both be at peace and go from there)