Wednesday, September 28, 2016

"And though your beginning was small, your latter days will be very great." Job 8:7

If you are an old friend .. you know my story all the triumphs and pitfalls every detail likely because I'm not one to hold much back. However, if you are a new friend to my family you probably don’t really know much about how I came to be the wife, mother and person I am today. Throughout the next few months I was to go into detail about some of the things that have happened in my life. I feel that these experiences I have already walked through can help someone now. I have been wanting to share my testimony for a few years but I didn’t ever really feel like I had the platform to do so. Therefore, I am going to use this blog as a place to share some of the twists and turns that brought me to the Lord.

Before I delve into all the hairy details of my life I feel it is only right for me to update you on my family situation seeing as how since the last time I made a post SO MUCH has changed!

At some point (not sure of the exact date) I became a single mom – the father of my two children at the time got another woman pregnant and we went our separate ways. It was very messy – very painful – and it felt like I was in some type of horror movie that was never going to end. I can’t and don’t want to really say much more than that, but that’s the short version. In reality it took us about 2 years to get the clerical portion of our divorce finalized from the time the kids and I fled to live with my parents to signing on the dotted line.

You will notice throughout this that I have no clue of actual dates when things happened. So fast forward some amount of time and several boyfriends and bad choices later. I decided to go to nursing school. Nursing school was challenging to say the least. I was raising two kids, and working two jobs while living with my parents and going to school full time. If you know a nurse… ask them about school, it is NO JOKE!

Sometime before I was half way through with nursing school I reconnected with a friend that I had met in middle school. It’s really odd how it all happened actually, maybe I’ll have him guest post to explain the whole dynamic change. ANYWAYS that man quickly stole my heart and we soon began a courtship long-distance because he was away at college in Abilene which meant that I was driving back and fourth every other weekend.

This wonderful strapping lad later became my husband. I can’t even begin to describe my love for this man in this post-that’s for another time.
With this man I became the mother to another beautiful child. V was born in October 2015 about 1 year after C and I were married.

Together C and I have now walked through life together for 14 years as friends and 4 years as a couple. We have taken our big kids to their first days of kindergarten, had a baby, traveled outside the country, lost jobs, lost loved ones and gained a beautiful baby boy.

My life is so very different since the last time I posted on this blog. And honestly, it’s all for the better! I never would have thought that betrayal of my first husband and a divorce could end up having a good effect on my life but somehow it has.

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